Why Public and Private Sectors Must Continue to Invest in Disability Jobs - Clay News

Why Public and Private Sectors Must Continue to Invest in Disability Jobs

disabled walker

Why Public and Private Sectors Must Continue to Invest in Disability Jobs

In 2019 public and private sectors will be looking to bring aboard employees who can execute their skills with precision and fit into a team environment seamlessly.

This task places added strain on the HR department and management to identify the talent that is out there and ensure they can apply their abilities to a specific position.

That is a scenario that points directly to the involvement of some good disability support worker jobs, an industry that carries its own public conceptions and attitudes.

Often seen as a burden or a means of charity, the case studies and proof of investment in this domain demonstrates that supportive services and integration actually contributes more than a moral obligation.


Lower Accident Rates

The evidence points in one clear and distinct direction regarding the involvement of disability support worker jobs into public and private sectors – the accident rates and cases of compensation are lower with their direct participation. With the lifestyles of these participants often revolving around safe and protective activities around the home and in social environments, their capacity to engage in cautionary behaviours are increased. Unlike able-bodied workers who are more oblivious to hazards and risks, the accident rates drop across the board.


Enhances Team Environment

Diversity in the workforce simply works. A team environment that is open to disability support worker jobs will see an integration of different voices and backgrounds as other members take on educational and leadership positions. There is an appreciation of their expertise to be judged on merit as the culture around the workforce is enhanced. Incidents of discrimination will occur when there is a degree of marginalization as workers can be left isolated from the rest of the group. A healthy public or private organisation will have this inclusive policy present as disabled professionals have the potential to climb the corporate ladder.


Higher Punctuality Rates

Perhaps with a greater appreciation for being employed in the role and not taking the position for granted, participants of disability support worker jobs are proven to be more punctual than their counterparts. Higher rates of punctuality means more dollars in the pocket of a business as their workplace efficiency and productivity rates are boosted, making it a smart ploy from the perspective of the bottom line.


Improves The Community

If a city or regional area fails to invest in disability support worker jobs, that lack of care and diligence drives up the local unemployment rate. No two elements are ever present in isolation in these moments as a lack of employment will hamper self-esteem, less money is being invested back into the local economy and there is a greater strain on domestic resources including job centres and services to get these participants back into a role.


Undervalued Expertise

We have all heard the saying ‘don’t judge a book by its cover.’ That adage has never been more prevalent than it is with disability support worker jobs as those members of the disabled community are often maligned and stereotyped regarding skills and activities that they cannot do rather than those they can do. These abilities can scan the entire public and private spectrum, from teaching to IT, the legal system, retailing, working a trade, operating as a barista, managing a landscaping team or running for public office. When the emphasis is removed from the physical or psychological impairment to their education, certification and experience in a particular field, suddenly organisations are able to tap into undervalued qualities that are consistently overlooked for other candidates. Many of those individuals end up securing those positions not on merit, but simply for a lack of a disability.



It is an undeniable and inescapable fact that public and private sectors receive far more in return than they spend when investing in disability support worker jobs. Accident and absentee rates are lowered, the team environment and local community is boosted, and employees integrate into a business based on merit rather than misconceptions about their ability or otherwise.