How Successful is Occupational Therapy for Children Who Suffer from ADHD? - Clay News

How Successful is Occupational Therapy for Children Who Suffer from ADHD?

child with ADHD

How Successful is Occupational Therapy for Children Who Suffer from ADHD?

For many parents out there, they will be in a position where they will be pulling their hair out trying to figure out how to help their young one. It is all too common to see more and more young ones suffering from certain symptoms such as irritability, difficulty to concentrate, lack of attention to detail, difficulty to sit still, as well as problems with patience. When people experience these kinds of symptoms as well as a few more, they may be diagnosed with something known as ADHD (attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder).

There are all sorts of theories out there as too why this condition is on the rise but many believe it is because of the chemicals that are sprayed on foods, the increased amounts of sugars that are hidden in foods, as well as the increase of technology and social media. Some believe it is because parents aren’t able to spend enough time with their young ones as they are usually both working. But whatever the reason may be, there is something that people can do in order to help and one example of this are those who need occupational therapy for children.


Occupational therapy for children can help those who suffer from ADHD as it can help with building their sensory processing skills

For many young ones who suffer with ADHD, they will have trouble when it comes to their concentration levels. This can lead to them having difficulty in schools and may even result in them feeling called out by their teachers and peers. The good news is that there is something that can be done about it.

For many, it can be helpful when they implement occupational therapy for children as their young one can be helped by working on building their sensory processing skills. This means that they can be trained to keep their mind and body calm and yet alert so that they are able to prevent themselves from doing into a “dream land”. This can involve things such as focusing on the sounds and smells in a room so that they are able to focus on what is in front of them instead of daydreaming and going off on a tangent with their thoughts.


Occupational therapy for children can help those who suffer from ADHD as it can help with implementing organisational tools

One of the biggest problems that young ones can have when they suffer with this condition is lack of organisation. They can feel like they just can’t seem to get on top of things so matter how hard they try. This can cause them to become angry and frustrated with their school work, with their teachers, and even with themselves. This is a habit that they can then carry with them into adulthood.

Thankfully, young ones can be taught important and yet basic organisation tools when occupational therapy for children is implemented. For instance, they can be taught how to use a diary so that they can set little reminders for themselves throughout the day. This means that they don’t have to worry about forgetting things as it will be all written down or stored in their phones.

Furthermore, they can be taught how to break tasks down into small steps so that they don’t feel so daunting. These are positive steps that can be implemented by the whole family so that everyone is on board and so these changes can be taken into adulthood. As it can be seen, occupational therapy for children who suffer from ADHD can be beneficial.